Thursday, 20 June 2013

Writer's Block

Writers know that they come up against something called Writer's Block. When you just. Can't. Write. Words don't flow, sentences don't make sense, and the story (if you can manage to write) doesn't seem to have any meaning.

Many writers want to know how to solve this. I have read what writers have written about Writer's Block, and this is the answer that seems to be repeated, over and over again.


Just write.

Force yourself to write, to put fingers to keys, or pencil to paper, or even feather pen to papyrus.

Just write.

If you can't manage to work on your main project, go and write something else. Try something different. If you've never written contemporary fiction, try it. If you're an all-out science fiction/science fantasy junkie, try picking up a sword or bow and venturing into the dangerous realms of medieval fantasy. You don't have to stick with the same thing.

Just write.

Just write.

(This is not to say that you shouldn't do things other than write, but ultimately, the only way to write is to write.)


  1. I find that it is much easier to conquer 'Writer's Block' in a much easier way, because the true reasons for Writer's Block aren't that you just can't write, it that you don't know WHAT to write, nor how to do so. Which is why I outline. :)

    1. Hmm, maybe... I'll have to think about that. I guess I might be talking about Procrastination mixed in a bit with the Writer's Block.

  2. "Ultimately the only way to write is to just write"
    Words of wisdom right there.
